We are farming about an acre of row crops at Flatbed Farm. Although we are not currently certified organic, we use all organic compost and soil amendments, and we never use any kind of sprays or pesticides. We are working hard in the field to maximize production of vegetables, herbs, and flowers, to keep our farm stand stocked and our restaurant customers supplied. We are growing lots of diversity in a small space, and are always learning and experimenting to grow more abundance in a small space.
- Mara de Bois and Albion Strawberries
- Cucumbers
- Pepppers
- Tomatoes (late April)
Spring offerings
Though things change with every week, here's what you can expect to find at the farm:
- Greens- Arugula, Chard, Salad Mix, Butterhead Lettuce, Little Gem Lettuce, Kale (Dino, Red Russian, and Curly Scarlet), Beet Greens, Fava Tops
- Fruit and Veg- Albion Strawberries, French Breakfast Radishes, Fava Beans, Sugar Snap Peas, Beets (Chioggia, Touchstone Gold, & Deep Red), Fingerling Potatoes, Artichokes, Green Garlic, Spring Onions, Fresh (uncured) Onions
- Microgreens - Amaranth, Shungiku, Spicy Mustard Mix, Mizuna, Cilantro, Purple Basil
- Herbs- Basil, Oregano, Lemon Verbena, Lemon Balm, Nettles, Mint, Chives, Pineapple Sage, Regular Sage, Purslane, Shiso
- Eggs - when the hens are laying we will have plenty for everyone
- Fresh flowers - fresh-picked daffodils and spring floral arrangements
- Garden starts - Individual vegetables, six packs of Leafy Greens, Herbs, and Amaranth - with many different plant varieties available as the season progresses
- Pantry goods - Salts, Preserves, Sugars, Shrubs, Syrups, Pickles
Summer offerings
Though things change with every week, here's what you can expect to find at the farm:
- Tomatoes
- Mixed Cherries - Sungold, Supersweet 100, Chocolate Pear, Black Cherry, Cosmic
- Red Tomatoes - New Girl, Bonnie's Best
- Sauce Tomatoes - Amish Paste
- Heirloom Tomatoes - Pink Brandywine, Green Zebra, Striped German, Pineapple Pig, Black Prince
- Summer Squash - Crookneck, Pattypan, Black Beauty
- Cucumbers - Olympic Slicer, Cool Customer Pickling, Armenian, Suyo Long, Lemon, Itachi, Bush Hog Gherkens
- Melons - Watermelon, Honeydew, Hale's Best Cantelope, Black Mountain, Desert King, Moon and Stars Melon, Specialty Melons
- Eggplant- Nadine (Italian), Oriental Express, Oriental Charm, Paloma (white), Baby Eggplant (Indian)
- Peppers - Padrons, Shishito, Como di Torro, Lipstick, Poblano, Cayenne, Jalapeno, Espelette and more
- Tomatillos - Green Tomatillo, Ground Cherries
- Watermelon Radishes
- Beets- Chioggia, Touchstone Gold, Deep REd
- Potatoes
- Onions - Purplette, Cippolini
- Garlic - California Early
- Strawberries - Mara des Bois, Albion
- Greens - Salad Mix, Head Lettuce, Kale, Salad Mix, Swiss Chard, Beet Greens
- Herbs - Basil, Parsley, Chives, Mint, Oregano, Lemon Verbena, Lemon Balm, Pineapple Sage, Regular Sage, Shiso,
- Microgreens - Amaranth, Shungiku, Spicy Mustard Mix, Mizuna, Cilantro, Purple Basil
- Eggs - when the hens are laying we will have plenty for everyone
- Seasonal Fresh flowers, Dried Flowers and Wreaths
- Garden starts - six packs of chard, chives, cilantro, dill, parsley - with many more herb and vegetable plant varieties available as the season progresses
- Plants - House Plants, Succulents and Cacti
- Pantry goods - Salts, Preserves, Sugars, Shrubs, Syrups, Pickles
Fall Offerings
Though things change with every week, here's what you can expect to find at the farm:
- Greens- Arugula, Chard, Salad Mix, Butterhead Lettuce, Little Gem Lettuce, Kale (Dino, Red Russian, and Curly Scarlet), Radicchio, Frisee
- Cabbage, Leeks, Fennel, Garlic, Onions
- Squash- Acorn, Butternut, Kabocha, Sugar Pie Pumpkin
- Decorative Pumpkins
- Microgreens - Amaranth, Shungiku, Spicy Mustard Mix, Mizuna, Cilantro, Purple Basil
- Herbs- Seasonal
- Pineapple Guava
- Eggs - when the hens are laying we will have plenty for everyone
- Fresh Seasonal Flowers and Dried Flowers and Wreaths
- Pantry goods - Salts, Preserves, Sugars, Shrubs, Syrups, Pickles
Winter Offerings
Though things change with every week, here's what you can expect to find at the farm:
- Greens- Arugula, Chard, Salad Mix, Butterhead Lettuce, Little Gem Lettuce, Kale (Dino, Red Russian, and Curly Scarlet), Radicchio, Stiry Fry Mix (Mustard, Dandelion, Bokchoy)
- Cruciferous- Brussels Sprouts, Broccoli, Purple Cauliflower, Broccoli, Romanesco, Cabbage
- Cabbage, Leeks, Fennel, Garlic, Onions, Shallots
- Squash- Sugar Pie Pumpkin, Butternut, Acorn, Kabocha, Spaghetti
- Lemons- Meyer, Lisbon, Eureka
- Microgreens - Amaranth, Shungiku, Spicy Mustard Mix, Mizuna, Cilantro, Purple Basil, Pea Shoots
- Herbs- Mint, Rosemary, Thyme, Chives, Pineapple Sage, Regular Sage
- Eggs - when the hens are laying (not as many during the winter months)
- Fresh flowers, Dried Flowers and Wreaths
- Pantry goods - Salts, Preserves, Sugars, Shrubs, Syrups, Pickles
General Information
Flatbed Farm is located in the Sonoma Valley between protected open space of the Bouverie Preserve and Sonoma Regional Parkland in Glen Ellen.
The Farmstand/Store is open Saturdays year round from 9:00-3:00 13450 Sonoma Highway 12 Glen Ellen, California 95442 [email protected] |
Site photography by Caydie McCumber, Sofie Dolan, Dillion Wehde, Rachel Kohn Obut, Site design by Linda Rosso